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  • Catherine Parker-Heath

How to tell what type of Medieval Pot you’ve got courtesy of Dig Ventures

I just had to tell all you volunteers taking part in Peeling Back the Layers (and any other interested parties) about a new post on the DigVentures website.

It is a guide to identifying Medieval (and post-Medieval) pottery, which may very well be the kind of thing that turns up at Under Whitle in June and July.

Click on the link to the article below and swot up!

Make sure you take special note of #9. Midland Blackware (mid 16th-17th century) and #11. Staffordshire Slipware (mid 17th-18th century).

Once the excavations start, I might even give a prize to the first person who finds a piece of one of the above – but only if you can correctly identify it too!



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