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Day 3 – The First Of The Schools’ Visits


Monyash and Elton Primary Schools visited us today and they’ve helped me write this blog by adding their thoughts on the day.

Rowan said that she liked it “when we went to the cellar and found bones” and Daisy added that she found lots of them. Sounds spooky! We will be giving these bones a wash tomorrow, so will be able to say more about them then.

Charlotte said the best bit of the day for her was the digging because she “found lots of things (mainly burnt bits)” and Grace agreed.

Kayleigh also like the digging because she “liked finding little rocks and some coal”

Matt said “all he found was pottery, but it was fun. Some of us found a 303 bullet”.  Jake also found pottery and he “loved it”.

Ben said “today was really exciting, we found loads of pottery and other stuff”, but for poor old Harry all he found “was stone and worms.” It’s all Max seemed to find too!

The finder of the first piece of pottery!



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